Manager regional office
Alji Dervisi
«Good things are coming down the road, just don’t stop walking», this motto by Robert Warren Painter Jr. has accompanied Alji Dervisi since he was young. Just 20 years old, he founded the cleaning company Royal Net and continued his education. Alji Dervisi holds a federal certificate as a specialist in business management from the International Management School Geneva (IMSG) and an EFZ as a cleaning specialist as well as a Leadership IFAGE certificate. He is also an examination expert for SFB Romandie (Ecole Genevoise de la Propreté) and EGP (Ecole Genevoise de la Propreté). Gerade 20 Jahre alt, gründete er das Reinigungs-Unternehmen Royal Net und bildete sich stetig weiter. Alji Dervisi verfügt über ein eidg. Brevet als Spezialist in Unternehmensführung der International Management School Geneva (IMSG) und ein EFZ als Reinigungsfachmann sowie ein Zertifikat Leadership IFAGE. Im Einsatz ist er ausserdem als Prüfungsexperte für SFB Romandie (Association Suisse des Agents d’exploitation) und EGP (Ecole Genevoise de la Propreté).
As branch manager, Alji Dervisi attaches great importance to combining different core competences in one project – all of which have a common goal: «to guarantee a high-quality service».
Our specialist areas
- Maintenance Cleaning
- Site cleaning
- Specialist Cleaning
- Apartment Cleaning
- Moving in & moving out cleaning services
- Cleanroom
Honegger SA
Route de Chancy 50
1213 Petit-Lancy
T. +41 22 879 12 10
F. +41 22 879 12 11